Next stop China

Next stop China
Next Stop China!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

We Are Getting Closer!

A few days ago we got word that our dossier was translated and approved in China!  Which means that we "officially" have our referral of our little girl.  So we were very excited.  I was speaking to our case worker and she said that the last couple that left for China had gotten their LOSC (the name of our approval paperwork) 2.5 months before they traveled, so we are still looking at travelling hopefully January.  It is still a little surreal at this point.

 Monday, we went to the post office and applied for passports for the girls.  Our passports are still good for a few more years, but since the girls are under 16, their passports expire in 5 years instead of 10. Aaron had to go into work late, since both parents' signatures are required to apply for a child under 16's passport.

Today I will be filling out paperwork to apply for VISAs to China.  It is all coming together!  I am also making a photo album to send to our new daughter with our pictures labeled in Chinese and English so that she will at least get to know our faces before we see her in person.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.