Why does it seem like stuff always comes up that you need when trying for a financial goal? Still paying down the debt, but not as fast as I want to. I worked 36 hours last week while the kids were in TN with Aaron's parents. I am not working at all this week, but start back up again next Tuesday. We are planning on going to SC this weekend to check on some Christmas trees we planted 3 years ago to see if they are salvagable or not. We have done nothing to them since planting them. Our friends offered to let us use an acre to practice on and 2-3 weeks after planting 500+ trees, we got transferred here to AL. Not looking forward at all to the 6 hour drive. yuck!
I wish I had on a video camera yesterday when Madelyn found a 3ft Black Racer snake. It was lying beside the house and not long after we went out to look at it the dogs sniffed it out and went nuts. They had it backed into a corner and it was taking turns striking at each one. Looked like they both got bit on the nose at least once. I was about 5 feet away watching, the girls about 10 feet away the opposite direction. When all of a sudden our lab mix grabbed the snake by the head and took off running straight toward the girls, slinging the snake around and finally let go and the thing was tossed in the air. I was screaming "Run girls!", but they didn't need to be told, they had split by the time I looked up. I think the snake was injured or lost it's will to fight because after that I was able to pick it up with a long metal thing and take it to a place where it could slither away into a hole. Fun times.
Good luck with the travels!