Wow, I have been a terrible blogger. I think it was October that I even wrote anything.
Just chugging along with work and homeschooling.
I am excited that were are around day 95 of this year.
Homeschool co-op started back after the new year and the girls are very excited. It is nice for me to get to talk to some friends too.
Aaron signed up to go back to Ethiopia for another mission trip this summer. June it is. I am excited for him. We are also very, very likely going to send Madelyn with him. The main thing I worry about is her being able to shower without accidentally drinking the water. When we took the girls in 2011, our bathtub had a hand held shower faucet. I would make the girls sit in the tub, tip their heads back with a towel over their face and wash their hair, making sure none of it splashed into their faces. They weren't allowed to talk at all during this process. Then I would pull their hair back away from their face or braid it so that they wouldn't accidentally get a wet hair in their face and get sick. It worked, no one got sick while there. She is too old for Aaron to help her in the shower, but I think he could at least let her lean her head over into the tub dressed and wash her hair. Then bathe later. I hope she gets to go.
We also have a meeting set up with our social worker next month. Planning to start with our homestudy again. I am hoping to get done with all the paperwork by April, May at the latest. Ugh! I dread filling out another dossier. Which means doctor's appts, and all that mess.
I am excited. At this time, we are planning on asking for an infant girl and I am hoping be done with this adoption by spring of 2014. But who knows.. you can't depend on much in international adoption, but we can depend on God!
I worked 12 hours Sat, went to church Sunday morning (had the toddler nursery, with 3/4 of the babies crying), came home, ate lunch, then went to a baby shower. Came home again for about 1 hr, then turned around and went back to church. I took everyone except Ethan, who has a nasty snotty nose and Aaron volunteered to stay with him. After church , Aaron met me at Panera Bread and picked up the kids so I could eat with some ladies from our Sunday morning class. I got home around 8:30 Sunday night. It was a good time.
Then I worked 12 hours Monday since Aaron was off work.
I felt horrible at work Monday and let me tell you, 12 hours on your feet, feeling horrible, makes a long, long day. I feel even worse today. My throat is killing me. I keep having episodes where I am lightheaded, weak, wobbly legged, etc. I don't feel sick enough to go to the doctor, but not well enough to work either. Or read for school. We skipped that today, since it hurts to talk.
I even had Mom come over and watch the kids so Aaron could take me to the grocery for our big trip. I normally do it alone, or sometimes with the kids, which I don't like to do, but I was too weak and lightheaded to go alone and I know Aaron would have balked at the list and coupons I had clipped if I had tried to send him by himself.
We were low on food. Natalie rejoiced when we walked in the door "yeah! we have food!" I guess they had gotten to the bottom of the barrel while I was at work.
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