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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Life is Easier with 5 Kids Around

Seriously, my title is true.
My brother Michael and SIL Leigh Anne offered to let the girls spend their vacation with them at the beach. So our whole family drove down there last Friday and Aaron and I brought Seth and Ethan back with us and left the girls.
I had all these plans this week because I was only going to have 2 kids with me.
Duh! I wasn't remembering that I would have the 2 most needy kids with me.
So, lets see.... Monday we made it to the garden. Once...
Tuesday...We made it to Mom's to take showers...
Wednesday...We'll see what I get done today. Both boys got up at 6:30 which is very early for Seth who normally wakes up at 8-8:30..
Don't get me wrong, I can get stuff done...if it is inside the house. But going outside is a big chore. With an 18 month old that would break something if I let him walk down steps alone and a 20lb 7 month old who still likes to flip backward while you are holding him upright..... it is hard. , I have been here before, it is just a different role. One I have done before, but am now making myself slow down again and enjoy doing a very important, very time consuming job.
In praise of my wonderful daughters... They help so much. They entertain the boys almost constantly. I can walk trash to the trash cans down the driveway because one of them will be pushing the stroller, one will be holding Seth's hand and I have two hands free. Can't wait for the girls to be home! Plus, I just plain miss them. Even if they aren't helping, they are wonderful to be around.

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